AQTIVATE Advanced computing, QuanTum algorIthms and data-driVen Approaches for science, Technology and Engineering
The joint doctoral project “Advanced computing, QuanTum algorIthms and data-driVen Approaches for science, Technology and Engineering (AQTIVATE)” will deliver an interdisciplinary training program for fifteen fellows who will learn to utilise high performance computing, develop scalable algorithms and machine learning approaches, and explore quantum computing for research projects from physics, engineering and biology.
AQTIVATE engages nine degree awarding institutions (DAIs) and four major research centres, including four national supercomputing centres in Cyprus, Germany, Italy and Sweden, one non-degree higher-educational institution, five companies as associated partners, NVIDIA participating through its research labs at two supercomputing centres, and IBM to join as a future associate partner.
AQTIVATE will deliver joint degrees between at least two DAIs.