Quantum seminars

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Consultazione pubblica in materia di tecnologie quantistiche

Il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy – Direzione generale per le nuove tecnologie abilitanti, in un’ottica partecipativa e di coinvolgimento degli stakeholders, intende consultare operatori di mercato attivi nelle applicazioni industriali e produttive delle tecnologie quantistiche. L’ambito di analisi della consultazione riguarda, in particolare, le principali tecnologie quantistiche in un contesto di progettazione, sviluppo, assemblaggio ed uso, prendendo in esame anche l’aspetto componentistico per quanto…

Rocco and Asmita attended a workshop on machine learning organized by AQTIVATE at the Technical University of Berlin

Rocco and Asmita attended a workshop on machine learning organized by AQTIVATE for PhD research fellows, from February 12th to March 1st at the Technical University of Berlin. The fellows actively participated in training sessions covering advanced machine learning techniques and applications. The combination of lectures and hands-on tutorials was very useful to help the fellows advance their research and stay informed on the latest developments in machine…

Rocco and Asmita attended the AQTIVATE workshop on ”Exascale computing and scalable algorithms”

Rocco and Asmita attended the AQTIVATE workshop on ”Exascale computing and scalable algorithms” in Stockholm between 27 November 2023 and 14 December 2023 with 13 other AQTIVATE PhD research fellows. They had the opportunity to be trained on topics including theoretical and practical aspects in the design of scalable algorithms for exascale High-Performance Computing; their adoption for linear solvers, eigensolvers and fundamental simulation algorithms; introduction to computer architectures,…

Call for admission to the PhD Courses 2024/25 – 40° cycle

We are glad to announce that the call for admission to the 40th cycle of our PhD Courses is now officially open! Detailed information and instructions can be accessed through the provided link. Kindly note that the deadline for submitting applications is May 13th at 1:00 PM. Should you require any further clarification or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated PhD Office via…

Alessio Lerose visiting from Oxford University, March 27th

Solving quantum impurity problems with matrix-product states in the temporal domain We introduce an efficient method to simulate dynamics of an interacting quantum impurity coupled to non-interacting fermionic reservoirs, based on a matrix-product state (MPS) representation of the reservoirs’ Feynman-Vernon influence functionals (IF). The efficiency of such representation rests on the moderate entanglement of the IF viewed as a “temporal state”, dubbed temporal entanglement (TE). By analytically studying…

Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024

From the 3rd to the 8th of March, Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024 in Minneapolis, a scientific research conference convening 13,000 physicists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Check out thier slides [1, 2] for the March meeting on quantum optimal control and Rydberg atoms.

Francesco visits Collège de France and the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris

Francesco attended the second workshop of the series on quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium, organised by Prof. Rosario Fazio at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. Francesco also presented his work at Dr Marco Schirò’s group at College the France, and collaborated with Dr Gian Marcello Andolina and Junior Prof. Filippo Vicentini.
