From the 3rd to the 8th of March, Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024 in…
From the 3rd to the 8th of March, Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024 in…
Francesco attended the second workshop of the series on quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium, organised by Prof. Rosario Fazio…
Dr. Francesco Campaioli visited Dr. Stefano Gherardini at LENS and CNR in Arcetri, Florence, to study quantum mechanical effects in…
Giovanni Cataldi recently attended the Group Retreat “Quantum Matter Simulation” organized by Prof. Enrique Rico at the “Centro de Ciencias de…
Avvisi pubblici per la presentazione di proposte progettuali di attività di Ricerca finanziate dall’Unione europea nell’ambito di NextGenerationEU, con fondi…
Phila, who finished her PhD in our group in 2022, has been honoured with the “Ernst-Ising-Dissertation-Prize” for outstanding physics dissertations…
Presented by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, the International Conference on Quantum Energy (ICQE) had its inaugural edition in Melbourne,…
Our researcher Ilaria and our Ph.D. student Marco participated in the final review meeting of the Quantum Computing for Earth…
Taking place at Villa Galileo in Florence, the ceremony Women in Theoretical Physics – national award “Milla Baldo Ceolin” 2022…
Un gruppo di ricerca afferente al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Padova (Dott. Alberto Ambrosetti, Prof. Pier Luigi…
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