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Inaugural edition of the International Conference on Quantum Energy – 2023 December 4 to 6, Melbourne, Australia

Presented by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, the International Conference on Quantum Energy (ICQE) had its inaugural edition in Melbourne, Australia. The event explored the role of quantum mechanics in energy-related challenges, ranging from the energetic cost of computation to power conversion efficiency of photovoltaics technology. ICQE 2023 brought together experts from around the world, covering energy related topics across fundamental and applied disciplines, such as material science,…

QUANTUM COMPUTING FOR EARTH OBSERVATION – Final Review, 12th of October 2023, Frascati, Rome, Italy

Our researcher Ilaria and our Ph.D. student Marco participated in the final review meeting of the Quantum Computing for Earth Observation (QC4EO) project at the European Space Agency ESRIN headquarters in Frascati (Rome). The main goal of this study is to explore Quantum Computing potential advantages for Earth Observation applications. Our team collaborated with various project partners throughout, and during the final phase at ESRIN, they actively contributed to…

Women in Theoretical Physics – Premio Nazionale “Milla Baldo Ceolin” 2022 awards ceremony, 14th November 2023, Florence, Italy

Taking place at Villa Galileo in Florence, the ceremony Women in Theoretical Physics – national award “Milla Baldo Ceolin” 2022 gathered 10 female researchers who have been awarded the prize for the best master theses in the field of theoretical physics carried out under the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). Among them is Nora Reinić with the master thesis “Tree Tensor Networks for quantum systems at finite…

Superfluidity meets the solid-state: frictionless mass-transport through a (5,5) carbon-nanotube

Un gruppo di ricerca afferente al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Padova (Dott. Alberto Ambrosetti, Prof. Pier Luigi Silvestrelli e Prof. Luca Salasnich), ha rivelato un fenomeno quantistico inatteso, in grado di consentire flusso di gas senza attrito attraverso sottilissimi nanotubi di carbonio Il lavoro è stato pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista Physical Review Letters. Così spiega il Prof. Salasnich: “L’esperienza diretta alle scale di grandezza umane…

Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop – 11th and 13th of October 2023, Venice, Italy

The Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop took place from the 11th to the 13th of October 2023 and was hosted by the Istituto Veneto in the stunning Palazzo Franchetti, located right in front of the Venice Grand Canal. The workshop aimed to bring together key figures from the Italian and European quantum community, along with representatives from companies and startups working in the field of quantum science and…

QUANTHEP 2023 – Quantum Technologies and Computation for High Energy Physics, Sep 25-27, 2023 Bari

The first QuantHep conference took place in Bari, Italy and was focused around the question how Quantum technologies can help to address challenges in in High-Energy Physics. Included topics were quantum-inspired tensor network methods, lattice gauge theories, quantum complexity, and quantum computing solutions for high-energy physics. Members of the Quantum Group Padova participated with three talks and a poster presentation.

European Tensor Network Summer School, 11-15 September 2023, Abingdon

Our PhD students participated in the European Tensor Network Summer School in Abingdon, England. The aim of the school was to teach young researchers theory and implementation of tensor network algorithms. This is particularly important given the increasing number of groups working on this quickly evolving topic. The lectures were given by researchers who work actively both on the development and the application of tensor network based methods.

Developing the next generation of high performance computing software at high altitude, Aspen, Colorado (2023)

In the framework of the New Frontiers in Quantum Dynamics workshop at the Aspen Center for Physics in the Rocky Mountains, we learned about the current challenges for quantum dynamics from some of the world-experts and started to prepare our software for these challenges. We thank the US NSF via ACP and the Simons Foundation for their financial support to participate at the workshop.

Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop –  11th and 13th of October 2023, Venice, Italy

The Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop will take place between the 11th and 13th of October 2023 and it will be hosted by the Istituto Veneto in the beautiful Palazzo Franchetti, right in front of the Venice Grand Canal. The aim of the workshop is to gather together many relevant actors of the Italian and European quantum community with companies and startup representatives working in the field of quantum science and…