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Applications of Ultracold Rydberg Gases, 792. We-Heraeus Seminar (2023)

Our researchers were privileged to spend a week at the prestigious physics centre in Bad Honnef, where they had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with esteemed Rydberg physics experts from all over the world. This highly anticipated workshop brought together leading researchers from various disciplines of Rydberg physics, fostering meaningful exchanges and strengthening the sense of community within the field. Moreover, among various research works presented at…

ENGAGE Workshop on HPC and Data Science (2023)

The engage workshop was the first official meeting for the Engage doctoral students, taking place in Nicosia, Cyprus. The first part focused on theoretical and practical aspects of high performing computing (HPC), from efficient/scalable implementations  of simulation algorithms up to  GPU programming. In the final and second part of the program we learned methods to process and analyze large data sets with modern computing system, ML and deep…

Nuove prospettive per la progettazione di dispositivi elettronici e atomici (2023)

Nuove prospettive per la progettazione di dispositivi elettronici e atomici È stato pubblicato nella rivista scientifica «Nature Reviews Physics» l’articolo di Andrea Tononi, ricercatore del Laboratorio di Fisica teorica e modelli statistici dell’Università Parigi-Saclay, e Luca Salasnich, professore presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e astronomia “Galileo Galilei” dellìUniversità di Padova. In questo lavoro, i due fisici riassumono alcuni sviluppi recenti della ricerca scientifica sui cosiddetti “gas atomici ultrafreddi”, analizzando…

Annual Network Meeting of the UNIPhD doctoral programme – Communicating Research (2023)

Shots taken during the Nora Reinić’s talk at the Annual Network Meeting of the UNIPhD doctoral programme on 9th of June in Padova. Info With the main focus on communicating the research to the colleagues from other disciplines, the event included the researchers and experts from academic and non-academic sectors. The UNIPhD doctoral students presented their research projects through posters and 3-minute pitches, within which Nora Reinić won…

Workshop sul Calcolo nell’INFN (2023)

Shots taken during the Marco Ballarin and Lisa Zangrando’s talk at Workshop sul Calcolo nell’INFN. The QuantumTEA Cloud Platform Abstract Although quantum computers have the potential to outperform the classical computer capabilities, at the current moment noise in quantum gates still limits the size of quantum circuits that can be reliably executed. One way to avoid the noise obstacle and improve the circuit reliability includes adopting the classical…

Condensed Matter Theory CMT@Brixen (2023)

Photo taken during Prof. Silvi’s talk at CMT@BRIXEN, The Meeting of the Condensed Matter Theory Italian Community.   (2+1)D SU(2) YANG-MILLS LATTICE GAUGE THEORY AT FINITE DENSITY VIA TENSOR NETWORKS Abstract We demonstrate the feasibility of Tensor Network simulations of non-Abelian lattice gauge theories in two spatial dimensions. In particular, we focus on a SU(2) Yang-Mills model in the Hamiltonian formulation, including dynamical matter. Our sign-problem-free approach allows…

New trends in Atomic Quantum Gases and Memorial Lev Pitaevskii (2023)

Photo taken during Prof. Montangero’s talk on “Algorithms of tensor networks for high-dimensional quantum many-body systems” at the workshop dedicated to the memory of Lev Pitaevskii. The workshop, organized by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, aimed to put together experimental and theoretical physicists working in Italian laboratories on different aspects of atomic quantum gases in order to favor a constructive exchange of ideas and possibly identify future scientific…

3rd Workshop on Waveguide QED (2023)

Giuseppe Calajò and Matija Tecer have partecipate to the 3rd Workshop on Waveguide QED (2023) in Erice. Giuseppe gave an invited talk and Matija presented a poster on the topic “Interacting photons in 2D Waveguide QED