
Exploration of experimental design and statistical methods using the stick-on-the-wall spaghetti rule

Exploration of experimental design and statistical methods using the stick-on-the-wall spaghetti rule Published: 11 January 2018 Simone Montangero, Francesca Vittone, Sally Olderbak, Oliver Wilhelm – Teaching Statistics 40 2 40-45 (2018) Read publication

Probabilistic low-rank factorization accelerates tensor network simulations of critical quantum many-body ground states

Probabilistic low-rank factorization accelerates tensor network simulations of critical quantum many-body ground states Published: 3 January 2018 Lucas Kohn, Ferdinand Tschirsich, Maximilian Keck, Martin B. Plenio, Dario Tamascelli, and Simone Montangero – Phys. Rev. E 97, 013301 (2018) Read publication