Category: 2024

Quantum TEA visits the CNR

Luka and Daniel visited the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in Rome to explore how the next generation of Quantum TEA backends could look like. After three days of intense discussions with Massimo Bernaschi at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo and thanks to Massimo’s patience, we have developed a common understanding where the bottlenecks of our tensor network simulations on the GPU are and how we can potentially solve them together in the future.

Quantum TEA at the AI-INFN advanced hackathon

Daniel presented during the first AI-INFN hackathon on quantum-inspired machine learning. The tensor network – that we know well from our quantum many-body systems – can also be applied to supervised machine learning. And our Quantum TEA software can be tuned to solve this type of problem as well!

Quantum TEA at the “QuantumComputing@INFN” conference

Several results based on Quantum TEA were presented at the QuantumComputing@INFN in Padova end of October. Check out the slides from Daniel on benchamarking, Davide on using Quantum TEA as an emulator, Nora on entanglement measures, and Francesco on simulations for open quantum systems.

QMatchaTea at the MQSF conference

We are thrilled to announce we have presented a poster about QMatchaTea at the MQSF conference, an incredibly engaging event filled with fascinating presentations on cutting-edge quantum software and tools! The poster, created in collaboration with ParTec AG and CINECA, highlights key insights from our benchmarking results and showcases QMatchaTea’s potential within the quantum research community. You can find all the details in the poster!

Special celebratory selection highlights green quantum advantage work

  Open Science: our 2023 publication on the green quantum advantage has been selected by IOP Publishing to highlight success stories of the transformative agreement allowing us to easily publish open-access. Open-access publications are one pillar of open science next to open-source software like our Quantum TEA software or open-data repositories.

Quantum Computing @ INFN

Overview The second quantum computing workshop @ INFN will be held in Padova on 29-31 October 2024.  Quantum computing potentially offers a paradigm shift for issues of interest to INFN, in areas ranging from quantum machine learning to event reconstruction and simulation for experiments, theoretical physics, and many others. The Quantum Computing @INFN workshop represents an opportunity for the community to come together and receive training, with the objectives of presenting ongoing activities, fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and attracting researchers and technologists who wish to acquire or enhance their skills. We invite you to visit the official event page for more information.

QuantERA Strategic Meeting 2024

Pietro presented the Mid-Term Report of the QuantERA Project T-NiSQ at the QuantERA Strategic Conference 2024, held in Amsterdam (Netherlands) on the 24th and 25th of September

Francesco presents at “Non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems” workshop in Genova

Francesco attended the “Non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems” workshop in Genova, organised by Prof. Dario Ferraro and Prof. Maura Sassetti, presenting his recent work on singlet fission in extended media.

Consultazione pubblica in materia di tecnologie quantistiche

Il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy – Direzione generale per le nuove tecnologie abilitanti, in un’ottica partecipativa e di coinvolgimento degli stakeholders, intende consultare operatori di mercato attivi nelle applicazioni industriali e produttive delle tecnologie quantistiche. L’ambito di analisi della consultazione riguarda, in particolare, le principali tecnologie quantistiche in un contesto di progettazione, sviluppo, assemblaggio ed uso, prendendo in esame anche l’aspetto componentistico per quanto riguarda i principali pilastri di applicazione: comunicazione quantistica; sensoristica e metrologia quantistica; computazione quantistica; simulazione quantistica. I contributi e le comunicazioni in risposta all’avviso di consultazione possono essere inviati entro il termine dell’11 luglio 2024 all’indirizzo e-mail: Documenti Consultazione pubblica in materia di tecnologie quantistiche (docx) Informazioni sul trattamento dei dati personali (docx) Ufficio competente Direzione generale per le nuove tecnologie abilitanti Ulteriori informazioni Per ulteriori informazioni consultate il sito ufficiale del Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy.