Category: News

Laser World of Photonics and World of Quantum conference in Munich (2023)

Info Where is icecream ordered in wavelengths? Welcome to the Laser World of Photonics and World of Quantum conference in Munich where we visited for example our project partners from Toptica and got an overview of the most recent technology and quantum computer landscape in Germany and beyond.

Annual Network Meeting of the UNIPhD doctoral programme – Communicating Research (2023)

Shots taken during the Nora Reinić’s talk at the Annual Network Meeting of the UNIPhD doctoral programme on 9th of June in Padova. Info With the main focus on communicating the research to the colleagues from other disciplines, the event included the researchers and experts from academic and non-academic sectors. The UNIPhD doctoral students presented their research projects through posters and 3-minute pitches, within which Nora Reinić won the 3rd place in the 3-minute pitch competition.

Workshop sul Calcolo nell’INFN (2023)

Shots taken during the Marco Ballarin and Lisa Zangrando’s talk at Workshop sul Calcolo nell’INFN. The QuantumTEA Cloud Platform Abstract Although quantum computers have the potential to outperform the classical computer capabilities, at the current moment noise in quantum gates still limits the size of quantum circuits that can be reliably executed. One way to avoid the noise obstacle and improve the circuit reliability includes adopting the classical computer emulators that closely mimic the behavior of quantum hardware. However, the memory required to store a quantum state scales exponentially with the number of qubits, and thus the exact representation of quantum objects is vastly limited by the large amount of computational resources needed. In the context of the Quantum Computing and Simulation Center (QCSC) project, we present the QuantumTEA (Quantum Tensor-network Emulator Applications) software. Exploiting the tensor network framework and efficient quantum state compression techniques, QuantumTEA emulator enables us to reduce the memory scaling from exponential to polynomial with system size and simulate large quantum systems with bounded entanglement. The emulator is being developed as an HPC-ready code available to be run on CINECA’s HPC platforms. Finally, we present the QuantumTEA Cloud Platform, a prototype based on Kubernetes that provides our emulator as a cloud service on CloudVeneto.

Condensed Matter Theory CMT@Brixen (2023)

Photo taken during Prof. Silvi’s talk at CMT@BRIXEN, The Meeting of the Condensed Matter Theory Italian Community.   (2+1)D SU(2) YANG-MILLS LATTICE GAUGE THEORY AT FINITE DENSITY VIA TENSOR NETWORKS Abstract We demonstrate the feasibility of Tensor Network simulations of non-Abelian lattice gauge theories in two spatial dimensions. In particular, we focus on a SU(2) Yang-Mills model in the Hamiltonian formulation, including dynamical matter. Our sign-problem-free approach allows for characterizing the phase diagram of the model at zero and finite charge densities, as a function of the bare mass and the coupling constant g. We observe a transition, driven by g, from a phase with dominant electric fluctuations to a phase with dominant magnetic fluctuations. For the smallest nontrivial representation of the gauge field, at low values of the bare mass the deconfined regime is replaced by a superconducting phase of colorless mesons. In this representation, our simulations suggest that topological order does not survive within this phase, but it still may appear at the critical point.

New trends in Atomic Quantum Gases and Memorial Lev Pitaevskii (2023)

Photo taken during Prof. Montangero’s talk on “Algorithms of tensor networks for high-dimensional quantum many-body systems” at the workshop dedicated to the memory of Lev Pitaevskii. The workshop, organized by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, aimed to put together experimental and theoretical physicists working in Italian laboratories on different aspects of atomic quantum gases in order to favor a constructive exchange of ideas and possibly identify future scientific strategies at the Italian and European level.

3rd Workshop on Waveguide QED (2023)

Giuseppe Calajò and Matija Tecer have partecipate to the 3rd Workshop on Waveguide QED (2023) in Erice. Giuseppe gave an invited talk and Matija presented a poster on the topic “Interacting photons in 2D Waveguide QED

The DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP) 2023

The DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP) was held on the University of Hannover campus from March 5th to March 10th, 2023.

The GiRyd Status Workshop 2023

The GiRyd Status Workshop 2023 was held at Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, Germany from February 27th to March 3rd, 2023. Esteemed groups and specialists in the realm of Rydberg or highly excited systems came together to establish the current state-of-the-art in the field and exchange knowledge on the latest breakthroughs.

QTI Lectures: Ab-initio two-dimensional digital twin for quantum computer benchmarking

slides Description Large-scale numerical simulations of the Hamiltonian dynamics of a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computer – a digital twin – could play a major role in developing efficient and scalable strategies for tuning quantum algorithms for specific hardware. Via a two-dimensional tensor network digital twin of a Rydberg atom quantum computer, we demonstrate the feasibility of such a program. In particular, we quantify the effects of gate crosstalks induced by the van der Waals interaction between Rydberg atoms: according to an 8×8 digital twin simulation based on the current state-of-the-art experimental setups, the initial state of a five-qubit repetition code can be prepared with a high fidelity, a first indicator for a compatibility with fault-tolerant quantum computing. The preparation of a 64-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state with about 700 gates yields a 99.9% fidelity in a closed system while achieving a speedup of 35% via parallelization. About the speaker  Alice Pagano completed her Master’s degree in Physics at the University of Padova in 2021, and she is currently pursuing a PhD at the same institution. Her research interests involve quantum machine learning, tensor network methods, and quantum optimal control techniques for quantum devices. She is actively collaborating with the QRydDemo project based in Stuttgart, which aims to develop a 500-qubit Rydberg atom quantum computer within the next few years.  Collaborators Daniel Jaschke (University of Ulm and INFN), Sebastian Weber (University of Stuttgart), Simone Montangero (University of Padova)