Phila Rembold receives the prestigious “Ernst Ising Dissertation” Prize for her thesis on “Quantum Optimal Control of Spin Systems and Trapped Atoms”
Phila, who finished her PhD in our group in 2022, has been honoured with the “Ernst-Ising-Dissertation-Prize” for outstanding physics dissertations from the University of Cologne. The annual award is kindly sponsored by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. Phila’s thesis, titled “Quantum Optimal Control of Spin Systems and Trapped Atoms,” has been selected as one of two recipients for the year 2022. Her dissertation is concerned with the improvement of quantum optimal control methods and their application to a range of systems. Thus it shows how these control strategies interconnect and boost the rise of quantum technologies across different platforms. Phila conducted her PhD between the Universities of Cologne and Padua in the groups of Prof Tommaso Calarco and Prof Simone Montangero. The official award ceremony will take place in Cologne in spring 2024.