Author: Lisa

Alessio Lerose visiting from Oxford University, March 27th

Solving quantum impurity problems with matrix-product states in the temporal domain We introduce an efficient method to simulate dynamics of an interacting quantum impurity coupled to non-interacting fermionic reservoirs, based on a matrix-product state (MPS) representation of the reservoirs’ Feynman-Vernon influence functionals (IF). The efficiency of such representation rests on the moderate entanglement of the IF viewed as a “temporal state”, dubbed temporal entanglement (TE). By analytically studying TE for a general class of reservoir’s initial states, we establish that for initial states with finite-range correlations TE obeys an area law, whereas Fermi-sea-type initial states yield logarithmic scaling of TE with time, closely related to the scaling of real-space entanglement in (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory. Hence, we describe an explicit algorithm for converting the IF temporal state to an optimal MPS form, which can be subsequently contracted with arbitrary impurities with modest effort. We apply our method to quantum quenches and transport in a single- and multi-level impurity Anderson model, including highly non-equilibrium setups, and find favorable performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. The polynomial scaling of computational resources required for an accurate computation of dynamics indicates that a broad class of out-of-equilibrium quantum impurity problems are efficiently solvable.

Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024

From the 3rd to the 8th of March, Alice and Daniel attended the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2024 in Minneapolis, a scientific research conference convening 13,000 physicists and students from around the world to connect and collaborate across academia, industry, and major labs. Check out thier slides [1, 2] for the March meeting on quantum optimal control and Rydberg atoms.

Francesco visits Collège de France and the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris

Francesco attended the second workshop of the series on quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium, organised by Prof. Rosario Fazio at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. Francesco also presented his work at Dr Marco Schirò’s group at College the France, and collaborated with Dr Gian Marcello Andolina and Junior Prof. Filippo Vicentini.

Francesco visits LENS and CNR in Arcetri, March 4-6, 2024

Dr. Francesco Campaioli visited Dr. Stefano Gherardini at LENS and CNR in Arcetri, Florence, to study quantum mechanical effects in exciton dynamics. The research visit was held at the CNR-INO headquarters, which are historically famous for having hosted Galielo, Enrico Fermi, and Margherita Hack.

Quantum Group Retreat in Benasque Science Center, Feb 18 – 23, 2024

Giovanni Cataldi recently attended the Group Retreat “Quantum Matter Simulation” organized by Prof. Enrique Rico at the “Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual”. The retreat provided an opportunity for industrial companies and Universities to collaborate and discuss promising applications of Quantum Technologies. During the retreat, he presented his recent results on Tensor Network Methods for non-abelian Lattice Gauge Theories in High-Energy Physics. In the picture, Giovanni and the research group of the University of Basque Country, where he spent a research period last year.  

BANDO a CASCATA, PNRR CN1 – Spoke 10 – DEADLINE 12 Febbraio 2024

Avvisi pubblici per la presentazione di proposte progettuali di attività di Ricerca finanziate dall’Unione europea nell’ambito di NextGenerationEU, con fondi MUR PNRR Missione 4 Componente 2, Investimento 1.3, 1.4 e 1.5, rivolti a soggetti esterni ai Centri Nazionali, ai Partenariati Estesi e agli Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione, quali: le Micro, Piccole e Medie imprese (MPMI), esterne al CN e che concorrono in modalità singola, aventi i parametri dimensionali di cui all’allegato I del REG (CE) n. 800/2008 della Commissione del 6 agosto 2008 (Regolamento generale di esenzione per categoria) in GUUE L 214 del 9.8.2008 le Grandi Imprese (GI), esterne al CN le Università italiane Statali, esterne al CN le Università italiane non Statali legalmente riconosciute ed accreditate MUR, esterne al CN gli Organismi di Ricerca (OdR) ai sensi del regolamento (UE) 651/2014, punto 83, esterni al CN La deadline per la partecipazione è il 12/02/2024 mentre tutti i dettagli sono disponibili nel bando.  

Phila Rembold receives the prestigious “Ernst Ising Dissertation” Prize for her thesis on “Quantum Optimal Control of Spin Systems and Trapped Atoms”

Phila, who finished her PhD in our group in 2022, has been honoured with the “Ernst-Ising-Dissertation-Prize” for outstanding physics dissertations from the University of Cologne. The annual award is kindly sponsored by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. Phila’s thesis, titled “Quantum Optimal Control of Spin Systems and Trapped Atoms,” has been selected as one of two recipients for the year 2022. Her dissertation is concerned with the improvement of quantum optimal control methods and their application to a range of systems. Thus it shows how these control strategies interconnect and boost the rise of quantum technologies across different platforms. Phila conducted her PhD between the Universities of Cologne and Padua in the groups of Prof Tommaso Calarco and Prof Simone Montangero. The official award ceremony will take place in Cologne in spring 2024. 

Inaugural edition of the International Conference on Quantum Energy – 2023 December 4 to 6, Melbourne, Australia

Presented by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, the International Conference on Quantum Energy (ICQE) had its inaugural edition in Melbourne, Australia. The event explored the role of quantum mechanics in energy-related challenges, ranging from the energetic cost of computation to power conversion efficiency of photovoltaics technology. ICQE 2023 brought together experts from around the world, covering energy related topics across fundamental and applied disciplines, such as material science, light-harvesting, photochemistry, quantum information, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum chemistry.   The event saw the participation of Australia’s Chief Scientist, and renowned physicist, Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM, who delivered the opening keynote address. Other esteemed keynote speakers included Prof Gerard Milburn, Prof Alexia Auffèves and Prof Sir Peter Knight, who shared their ground-breaking work and latest insights. Prof Auffèves gave an update on the Quantum Energy Initiative and the QEI workshop 2023 that was held in Singapore in November. MSCA Fellow Dr Francesco Campaioli gave an invited talk on the progress of energy storage in quantum systems, based on the colloquium article on quantum batteries authored with Dr G. M. Andolina, Prof M. Polini, Dr J. Quach, and Dr S. Gherardini, recently released on the arXiv. Francesco was nominated co-chair for the next edition of ICQE, together with Prof Alexia Auffèves (Research Director at CNRS, Director of MajuLab in Singapore, Head of Quantum Energy Team), with the aim to bring the event to Europe in 2025.

QUANTUM COMPUTING FOR EARTH OBSERVATION – Final Review, 12th of October 2023, Frascati, Rome, Italy

Our researcher Ilaria and our Ph.D. student Marco participated in the final review meeting of the Quantum Computing for Earth Observation (QC4EO) project at the European Space Agency ESRIN headquarters in Frascati (Rome). The main goal of this study is to explore Quantum Computing potential advantages for Earth Observation applications. Our team collaborated with various project partners throughout, and during the final phase at ESRIN, they actively contributed to the concluding discussions and prospects.

Women in Theoretical Physics – Premio Nazionale “Milla Baldo Ceolin” 2022 awards ceremony, 14th November 2023, Florence, Italy

Taking place at Villa Galileo in Florence, the ceremony Women in Theoretical Physics – national award “Milla Baldo Ceolin” 2022 gathered 10 female researchers who have been awarded the prize for the best master theses in the field of theoretical physics carried out under the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). Among them is Nora Reinić with the master thesis “Tree Tensor Networks for quantum systems at finite temperature”, conducted within our research group.